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Небольшая хижина, значит. Тут живёт какой-то сумасшедший тип, и поёт свои песни. За прослушивание денег не берёт.
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The tiny hut, заранее сдизайнен:
Тот, кто здесь проживает:
@ - The Mad Minstrel (всегда в своей хижине)

Mad minstrel, живёт в своей хижине и постоянно распевает разные песенки, содержащие зашифрованные советы по прохождению игры. Нормальный игрок, не читающий спойлеры должен сидеть и слушать их до тех пор, пока не поймёт, это единственный его шанс узнать, как пройти некоторые затыки. Но раз ты тут, то сидеть и слушать тебе не судьба, тут лежит полное собрание его сочинений с коментариями.

"The Lord of the Cats is a touchy fellow,
His teeth are sharp and his eyes are yellow.
All kinds of cats he calls his subjects,
Small ones, big ones, all he'll protect.
If kind ye be to cats, I sing,
Talk from him his precious ring!"

[Предупреждение о убийстве кошачих и об их мощной крыше, а именно -- Cat Lord'е.]

"Felines have a shiny fur.
When you feed them, they will purr.
True cat-lovers never harm them,
some musicians try to charm them.
For all others, let me warn them:
As soon as felines meet disaster
their energy rejoins their master."

[Ещё больше предупреждений отнсительно котов.]

"Heaven help you in the tower of hell,
The elements will surely sound your death-knell,
If walking on fire still shrouds you in pain,
You might just need some more of the same..."

[Будь готов к башне Огня]

"In a very hot tower
your points in life get lower.
Resisting fire not once but twice
Would be very wise."

[Башня вечных огней. Перед направлением туда имей минимум -- двойную защиту от огня. Предусмотрительные игроки подготавливаются до тройной.]

"A drakelings scales may be crimson red
if a creature of fire for dinner he had
he may wear tough scales and two rings to boot
he may have the armour and all of the loot
but fire is still a hazard to him
cause a drakeling will start to burn from within.

He will become fast, even fast as the light
his foes may run screaming at this unearthly sight
as quicklings so fast, he may just become
but the hazard of fire will never be gone
cause the speed makes him dizzy and dazy and that
and no ring and no scales will save him from that.

So the tower of fire is a dangerous thing
and you should really listen to the sound of my string
for a drakeling has really a hard time in there
without healing and stuff he won't get anywhere.
So a potion or herb might be a good boon,
but if you enter without them - you are just a loon!"

[Предупреждения дрэйклингам о дополнительных проблемах в Башне Огня.]

"The Banshee sings a strangely compelling song,
No one can listen to it for long.
You better beware
And take care.
Beware is what you need,
Understand this verb and take heed."

[Предупреждение о баньше в подземельи хаоса. Bee-ware (bee-wax), то что тебя спасёт.]

"A small cave for beginners
The big ones are for winners
Do it the other way around
And strange monsters will be found."

[Предупреждение насчёт опасностей маленькой пещеры.]

"The trinity is very tough to find
in case you mind.
three parts you will need,
lots of blood you will shed.
Once all are collected,
once your deceitful fame is erected,
once in servitude you seem to be joining,
once chaos powers the word "friend" are coining,
you'll enter the gate...
Quickly - before it's too late!"

[Консультация по поводу Троицы хаоса и высокого уровня коррумпированности, нужного для проникновения в ChAoS pLaNe.]

"I'm so lazy,
My knowledge's hazy,
My sounds are loud,
but rarely I shout.
My lyrics are coarse,
I never owned a horse.
My songs I'm improvising,
I use them for advising.
Listen with care,
and well you will fare."

[Бесплатный совет обратить внимание на его песни.]

"Ancient dwarfs
often come in halves.
Babbling they do,
Ladies they woo,
Useless they are,
Ignorants receive a scar."


"Hotzenplotz a bandit is,
Many a woman he did kiss,
His guards are very strong,
so don't make anything wrong."

[Предупреждение о сложности преодоления Хотзенплотза.]

"Dungeons are Grimy
Blobs are Slimy
When dealing with Puddles
Missiles are Subtle."

[Предупреждение насчёт всего желеобразного, в плане того, что они портят металлическое оружие.]

"Only fools
would try to build without tools
A bridge sturdy and strong
With good tools you can't go wrong."

[Нужность топора в строительстве мостов.]

"Once a tiny cavern,
was a monument built by the powers of Law.
Now it's strangely distorted,
by the powers of Chaos it's meaning thwarted.
In the depths of infinity
it holds the first part of the trinity,
which, once assembled and refitted,
will make it permitted
to become a Chaos God supreme,
if forceful enough yourself ye deem!"

[О происхождении Бесконечного подземелья.]

"Caladriel was an ancient crone,
Karmic beings brought her down!
A phial of light she created,
but once she did not use it...
In a dark room she dissipated."

[Легенда о Чаше Каладриэль.]

"Rehetep was a long-lived guy,
But his skin got cracked before his eyes.
He would not die,
And he would not quit,
But his skin just wouldn't stay well-fit.
He wrapped it up in rags at first,
But after a while the rags all burst.
Now to keep his body in,
He needs to borrow someone else's skin!"

[О происхождении Рехетепа.]

"Chaos piranhas really bite.
All are amazed at their might.
Yrrigs knew more about this.
He manages to survive the fish."

[Предупреждение насчёт пираний хаоса.]

"In the forest deep,
all living beings weep
for fairies cruel and fast
won't let you last.
Search with care
and fast like lightning you might fare!"

[Хинт о нахождении дерева квиклингов в лесу.]

"Chaos powers mighty and dangerous
strive to alter all of us.
Corrupting effects transform thee
faster than you would like that to be.
Although useful they might seem
they just will bring a sorrow stream."

[Коррапшн может и убить.]

"I am a baby dragon
My mother is bigger than a wagon
Still she lives in a place on watery ground
That I have never found."

[О Блупе и его мамочке.]

"The Hero Rolf, of Dwarven Kind,
A Pillar of his Society --
He had an Axe, the Cutting Kind,
Which Caused Orcs Great Anxiety.
What Became of Rolf the Mighty?
Does Yet the World he Wander?
The Elders Wise and Mystics Flighty
Even they must Wonder..."

[О дварвийском герое -- Рольфе.]

"An age ago, there lived a king, most pious and benevolent,
Who from his god received a ring to shield him from the elements.
This king, he had a brother true, a fighter lion-hearted,
Who sought to rout all Chaos through the Gate from whence it started.
He purged the evil from the land, his blade once never faltered,
And only by his god's own hand was his adventure halted.
"O fighter brave," his god did say, "though noble is your mission,
Yet centuries must slip away before it finds completion.
The Balance leans too much to Law, and I must now amend it;
Let Chaos have its time on Earth ere back to hell you send it.
But watch this stair eternally, and wait for Heaven's message,
To show the mighty champion who's earned the right of passage.
For only one you'll step aside and cease your faithful vigil:
The one who wears your brother's ring emblazed with Heaven's sigil.""

[Очень полезное предупреждение о Вечном Страже в ПоХ'е.]

За усердное прослушивание может даже поделиться едой. Так же минстрель будет очень полезен в достижении сверх-концовки игры: он расскажет тебе о местоположении Искрящихся Пещер, после выполнения квеста Принца Убивцев.

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